Holy Avtar Vani - Shabad No. 66
Santan te kai zulm kamaye mazhaban de saiyadan ne;
Kandhan de vich chunvaye kai sharah dean jalladan ne.
Kayi chadhaye suli utte lohan te bithlaye kayi;
Duniyan mil ke sant janan te ik nahin julm kamaye kayi.
Avtar bhagat par mannade rahe ne apna kul jamane nun;
Aukarh dukh musibat jhalli mittha mann ke bhane nun.
Extremists committed innumerable cruelties upon the saints; Many were buried alive in the walls by brutal religious extremists.Many were crucified while others made sit on hot- grills.The people of the world planned and placed many violent incidents on the saints. Avtar says, the devotees have, however, always treated the world as their own; They faced all the tests, sufferings and difficulties cheerfully surrendering to the will of God.